

Keith Grant (PhD, 2017, University of New Brunswick) is an Assistant Professor of History at Crandall University in Moncton, New Brunswick, teaching courses on early North American and religious history. His current book manuscript is Enthusiasm and Loyalty: Emotions, Religion, and Society in British North America. He is collaborating with Daniel Samson on the digital project, The Colonial Bookshelf: Tracking the Reading of Colonial Nova Scotians. With Denis McKim, he is a founding editor of Borealia. He can be reached at keithsgrant[at] or on Twitter at @KeithSGrant.

Denis McKim (PhD, 2011, University of Toronto) teaches in the History Department at Douglas College. He is the author of Boundless Dominion: Providence, Politics, and the Early Canadian Presbyterian Worldview (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017), and is at work on an intellectual biography of George Brown. With Keith Grant, he is a founding editor of Borealia.

Laura J. Smith (PhD, 2017, University of Toronto) is a historical consultant for Ireland Park Foundation. Her book project is Unsettled SettlersIrish Catholic politics and religion in Upper Canada. She is also engaged in a project tracing the movement of Irish migrants from Upper Canadian ports into the rural townships of the province and to the United States. She is a member of the board of the Canadian Catholic Historical Association. She can be found on Twitter @l4smith



[To be added soon!]



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